Release and v4.1

Hey Indiedevs,
I just wanted to let you know that I finally finished this assetpack. It's the last of the initial 16x16 resizes and took quite some time, since the last one, because I wanted to release it together with the 32x32px version and with a ton of additional content, to really provide you with the set, which is in terms of pricing, quality, options and content an ultimative set.
I hope you'll enjoy it and get a lot of usability out of it. Have Fun!
For everyone who got the 1.4 version already - I just uploaded 1.4.1 which has a couple of filename fixes and a couple of sets which are spaced 16x16 whothout any gaps for additional effects. So basically the same as in all other 16x16 packs.
Get Pixel Fantasy RPG Icons 16x16
Pixel Fantasy RPG Icons 16x16
14000 graphics, lots of designs, descriptions, recolors & more