A Huge Update!
Pixel Menu GUI HUD Basicset & Icons » Devlog

I spent some time on enhancing this assetpack. If you bought it already, best is just to redownload it.
The changes made, should make it compatible with the 16 bit sidescroller series, more compatible with the contoller/mouse buttons and generally a lot more versatile and useful.
What's new:
- 14 new icons
- 16x16 and 32x32 versions for all existing and new icons
- cast shadow & effects to all new icons
- 4 new cursors (2x normal pointer, 2nd graticule, magnifier)
- 3 existing cursors got big visual edits (grabhand, pointhand & x)
- new 32x32 versions for all cursors
- menu buttons in 16x16 and 32x32 + animations
- selection arrow in 16x16 and 32x32 + animations
- selection graticule in 16x16 and 32x32 + animations
- checkbox in 32x32
- color updates on existing buttons and bars
- new screenshots showcasing the changes
GUI_set_01_v2_0.zip 720 kB
Nov 02, 2019
Get Pixel Menu GUI HUD Basicset & Icons
Buy Now$24.99 USD or more
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