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I LOVED this game! Honestly I love the powerful message it sends about this issue and I loved learning some of Poland's history. This game needs more exposure and recognition. Good going devs! 


It is so nice, thank you! We are working on it to show the game on events and not only. There are many interesting games from Poland if you are interested I can give you some titles :)


I am speechless at the end. Respect! I didn't think this game will be about that.  After I finish playing it I search for an hour about it. I'm speechless I don't even know how to react to it. 

I hope you won't mind if I share this in my Youtube channel. I want to share it with my friends and other people. 

 Thank You for the game.

Keep up the Good Work! You have my Respect! 


Thank you GixterTrixter for the video, and of course, you can share it on your channel. Your comment made us very happy! It is exactly what we wanted to achieve with the game. It is very nice of you that you send it to your friends but remember do not spoil it! :)


When I walked in on this game I was like "lol thats cute supernatural i want to hit that up"

I did not know I was walking in a shit show of politics. This game extremely either agreeable or disagreeable. I choose neither and just embrace the game as it it. You made your game and people lay in it. I don't understand why people are so aggressive about this. When walking out of this game, I left with a clearer mind. I recommend this game to others who think the government is all daisy and happy kids. Love the art, love the truth. 

(hiss if i have bad english pardon me im Russian)


AhLogic, thanks for your comment and your approach. Your English is ok do not worry ;) We were lucky to have Cyangmou no board to do the pixel art.


Thanks for making this. I'm having similar fears with the direction the US is headed in...all of the work that health care has done, only to let mothers have to deliver babies who will not live to term, or will die shortly after birth. No one should have to go through that suffering.

(1 edit) (+2)

Thank you grimacedia for your comment. We are looking closely at the US situation. It is shocking that the US has the same problems we had 3 years ago but the final result seems to be worse then in Poland.


Wow, nice concept


Hi Kanatal, thank you for your comment :)


Download/Claim button or it never happened.


We are working on the desktop version. If it will happen we will make an update.


I really like this game I'm so sorry about all of these disgusting comments


Thank you Dragon Slayer ^^ for support. We appreciate that Fantastic Fetus is provoking a discussion. We are glad that you enjoyed our game. What Fetus did you build?


I'm going to express my opinion on this matter, and I'm not going to respond to comments because I've had A LOT of exposure to this topic, and I'm only posting for those who want real advice.

My mother would take me to protests to speak out against Planned Parenthood (PP). I remember these rallies vividly, especially since I would directly ask people why they wanted to kill babies (I was 5).  My mom believed they threw away baby carcasses in the dumpster and wouldn't let me near them.  She would then show me pictures of aborted fetuses, usually the "vacuum" method.

I also feel the need to say my father worked in Hospice and watched A LOT of infants die throughout my own childhood.  This was very hard on him, and for much of my childhood he was cold, distant, and angry.

As I've matured, I've read about miscarriage rates, the amount of infants who've died because of disease, the reality that my grandfather's first wife could have lived if she had an abortion, and that my mother's own disability is probably due to the births my brother and I put her through.

Oh yeah, and the bible's pro-abortion messages (yep, the bible is actually pretty pro-abortion, you're allowed to kill a baby up to about 6 months of age according to God).

Ultimately, I feel this game hits it right.  When you carry a child, you have hopes for what your child will be.  But the reality is, nature doesn't care. And until you've been in the position to watch a child or loved one die due to a poor pregnancy, you don't get to have an opinion, period.


Wow Boolean, that was a story. Thank you for sharing it with us. It's a complicated topic and it can be hard to find easy answers. But I think your voice is good for this discussion. How it is in the place where you are living? 


I moved to a primarily blue state where there are a lot less protests and more open minded people. My immediate family will not talk to me about the topic,  but my nieces and nephews have opened up to me about their pro-choice journeys,  so I can be a shoulder for them. 

If I may piggyback on what you said about "easy answers" though.  My transition was not easy.  And that's the biggest reason I share these tough stories.  I don't think there is an easy answer because every abortion is for different reasons.  That's part of why I like this game, it illustrates that very fact.

Life was never a gaurantee. People with uteruses still die during childbirth, a lot.  Children died consistently from disease,  and Anti vaxxers brought back those very diseases. People have forgotten this. Abortion was never a way to end life,  but help save it,  and you can't claim to be pro-life and anti-abortion.

(2 edits) (-5)

" until you've been in the position to watch a child or loved one die due to a poor pregnancy, you don't get to have an opinion, period." 


because obviously being emotionally invested in something makes you make a better decision


u can undest bcs u not be that gne gne...

people have empathy and can understand a situation and reason about it

3) you can't have an opinion ... democracy and everything around it don't agree

4) beliefs and the Bible are irrelevant

5) i haven't noiticed that was posted 2 years ago


>pro abortion message







I believe in free speech, so you have every right to make this game, but I think its message is disgusting. You showed a baby developing inside a mother's womb, then claimed that it was her right to kill it. You stated that disabled people should be aborted, which is what a certain group believed, way back in the 1940s. I am pro-life, I support not murdering innocents for a woman's selfishness.

(5 edits) (+27)(-2)

That's the thing, though. She didn't show the baby developing in that womb. She showed the hopes the mother had for it. Then she showed what actually happened. And she never argued that feti which would result in babies with disabilities SHOULD be killed - she argued for the CHOICE. 

There is an enormous difference between murdering people with disabilities, who have lives and feelings and complex histories, and having the simple ability to DECIDE whether you want to carry a fetus to term when you know the life it WOULD have, if it lives, would be a disabled one. Some such lives are so short and agonizing that it strikes me as actively cruel to argue for their preservation - it is difficult to see why you would argue for a woman to carry a deformed fetus to term, watch the resulting baby struggle to breathe and cry in agony for a week, and then have to bury it. It is difficult to imagine that you would want to live such a life if you were the child in question.

These are not the imaginary excuses of "selfish women." They are realities, and the laws you are defending make avoiding such nightmare scenarios extremely difficult if not impossible. 

These issues are complex. That is exactly why we have freedom of speech.


MookahMookah thank you for your comment. You presented very interesting thoughts. The problem is complicated as you mentioned. Many people do not even know how an infant can suffer bc of a specific disease and how it looks. DirtyCasual we do not try to tell you what you should think. We do not want to moralize you. The game is an invitation to start the discussion about what kind of choice in that hard situation (when a fetus is irreparably damaged) women have. Also, I would appreciate if you wouldn't call us Nazis. We are not Nazis. But there is one thing we have in common, we believe as well in freedom of speech. Perhaps we should create a FAQ section to avoid future misunderstandings.


I don't get the message of this game. So after developing my fetus and thinking it would turn out to be a beautiful little baby, it turns out to be a disabled and sick baby at the end. Then the screen shows a pro-abortion message and the game is over. 

So to me it seem, all the game designer is saying is that disabled babies should be aborted. Wow, that's harsh! I wonder how many women with these kind of pregnancies would feel appalled by that. I certainly do, although I haven't had a pregnancy yet.

If your message was that it should be allowed to analyze the fetus before birth, so it's not a shocking surprise for the mother, I'd agree with you! But that's a very different thing from abortion, because then the mother would still be able to decide to carry out the pregnancy. But then you wouldn't have a shocking twist at the end of your game.

I hope a haven't missed any information in the game that would counter this perspective. All in all I think you should try to make your games more morally ambivalent, instead of simply focusing on one simple message.

(1 edit) (+7)

Well, I don't know if every ending is the same but I got Anencephaly which means that the baby will die in few days because it was born without the bigger portion of their brain. And I absolutely agree that there should be examination of the fetus before hand (which there is) so the mother would be able to DECIDE to carry out the pregnancy. But what if she can't? What if the decision was made for her by the politicians? That's what they wanted to take away from us in the name of the religion and that's what the game is about.


I got the Anencephaly ending as well. I agree what you are saying, but I don't see that in the game! At no point in the game did I have the choice to examine the fetus, decide for/against an abortion or have that decision being forced unto me. All I see at the moment is a game about why it is good not to make up an image of a perfect fantasy baby without examination of the fetus, because unrealistic expectations can lead to a shocking moment after giving birth.  If the game left out all texts about abortion, this would make sense to me.


bluwh thanks for your comment. It is exacely what we meant. In 2016 in Poland the new proporsal of the anti-abortion bill was drafted. Under this bill you would NOT be able to DECIDE. This game is an illustration and metaphor of that scenerio. wednesdayA that is why there is no examinations but we have story clues which can lead you to the conclusion that sth is wrong with pregnency. Thanks for sharing with us your concerns.


This game is very simple also its very deep, I kept playing four times just to understand the messege and the way to look this. In my country Mexico there is a very different perspective, two days ago Monterrey city approves a new law to criminalize women's who chose interruptions pregnancy. Im certanly amazed cause this topic is controversial in 2019 btw I'll keep sharing this game thanks for do a game whit such a powerful messenge and a wonderfull point of wiew
I share my wonderful fetus :`(


Matt, thank you for your comment. It means a lot for us. The new law you are talking about sounds really scary... Do you have any organizations in Mexico which are trying to change the direction of this public discussion?


Very powerful message. Loved the politcal commentary and really feel for those who face difficult decisions and aren't able to make their own decisions safely or within reach of the general population. Seriously, loved this game so much -- from aesthetics to message.


Oh gosh! The first video about fetus! Nice! Thanks, I am glad that you liked our work. Topic is very hard indeed. I hope the game will somehow help in discussion about this problem. BTW cute fetus :P

i'm having trouble starting it, like what button gets past the screen with just the mother's face?!

I am sorry, to hear that and we will upload a new fixed version shortly - in the meantime if you delete savefile from your localstorage in the browser, it should work again

thx i figured it out a while ago but appreciate the concern

Deleted 4 years ago

Nobody said that pregnancy is an easy thing to manage... You will eventually make it.

I Liked The Game a Lot.It's Weird And Lovely At The Same Time.

Thanks! Our mission is to make cute and creepy games :) Do you have your fetus somewhere to show it to us?


It Died With The Mother In The Last Month,Because I Was Not Giving Food Trying To Make Her Not Get Fat...Oh My God,It's So Weird To Talk About This.

Hahaha, yeah it sounds weird I agree. But weird games are the best. Do not give up! The ending is worth it!

I knew there was a twist but I wasn't prepared for that end pic! it really surprised me lol. Nice work B^)

Hi, heh I hope it is a good thing ;) .  Can you show us your fetus Urusei?


this is the first one I made: 

And this is the second one:

It was a really interesting game (In a good way!)

btw: when I tried to download the picture it just appeared as a completely black image, so to get the photos I had to take a screenshot

Thanks for the information about a bug. We are working on it! Unicorn and Evil pixy :) I see you were keeping your TamaMama happy. Nice!

Will this game be available to download in the future?

We are working on it but I can't promise that. Tell me why you would like to download the game instead of playing here?

Well, I wouldn't mind making a video of this game in the future, but don't hold me to that. I guess I could figure out how to record the browser version until then.

Now I get it, usually I am using sth like Flashback Recorder but I don't know if it is good enough for you :( Give us know if you will make any video! :)

Will do! ^_^ Also, I usually use OBS for my Gameplay videos. Just so you know.

Deleted 4 years ago

Amazing game! Looks those charming eyes, so biutiful! <3 Would love to see your babies fetus! <3


Yeah... Mushroom eyes are best :D . Imagine how beautiful that fetus would be if you would finish the game! Thanks for sharing your creation!

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