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Simple Side-Scroller - Waterfall Caves


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About this Assetpack:

This assetpack contains graphics to build a waterfall caves level.

The tiles are sorted and arranged in multiple ways and there are multiple files, which can be comfortably used with Game Maker Studio 2 or in a software like Tiled.

It also comes with an animated character Template and a bat enemy - both with multiple animations

This Set Includes:

Character Animations (27 frames):

All character files are saved as animation strips, the .gal working files are delivered and they come in 2 styles - 3 color grayscale (for editing) and in a 3-color NES style.

  • crouch (1 frame)
  • gettinghit (1 frame)
  • death (1 frame)
  • atk sword (4 frames)
  • stand (1 frame)
  • stand ready (1 frame)
  • idle ready (10 frames)
  • run (6 frames)
  • jump (1 frame)
  • falling (1 frame)

Enemy Animations (10 Frames):

  • hanging state (1 Frame)
  • getting state (1 Frame)
  • fly state (8 Frames)

Props (5 different animated elements):

  • hanging lantern (animated with 8 frames, 4 chain length variations)
  • tikitorch (animated with 8 frames)
  • treasure chest (animated with 8 frames)
  • mushroom trampoline (12 frames, 4 frames idle, 8 frame bounce)
  • background waterfall (animated with 4 frames)


  • basic foreground tileset 01 (76 tiles 16x16) - foreground elements to map out level structures with slopes, also decoration: mushrooms, crystals, stalagmites & spikes in all directions
  • basic foreground tileset 02 (60 tiles 16x16) - foreground elements for mapping out wood constructions with ladders, slopes & connections to tileset 01
  • basic midground tileset 03 (35 tiles 16x16) - midground elements to map out close cave layers and darken parts of the level / hide the parallax layers
  • midground tileset - stones which are in the background to build caves and add more depth (16 16x16 tiles)
  • foreground tileset (GMS2 autotiles) - 2 new tiles for mapping single
    tile wide foreground levelbits. There are templates which should help with placing the tiles.
  • midgroud tileset (GMS2 autotiles) - 34 new tiles for mapping single tile wide midground levelbits. There are templates which should help with placing the tiles.
  • GMS2 Autotile tilesets as add-on versions for basic tilesets for non GameMaker users (34 tiles, differently sorted)


  • 3 parallax background elements to build a far background.
  • 2 parallax midground elements to build a background
  • 2 parallax foreground elements to build a close background
  • 3 simplified parallax tiles for easy use in engines like unity

Additional Files:

  • 2 Mockups with 2 layered psds with all tiles how they should be mapped & the layers saved as .png files
  • a notes file with hints and links (read it!)
  • NES palette which was used for all assets

Does this set fit together with any other assetpacks?


There are a couple more tilesets in the same style, some game props (e.g. lights and destructible containers) and there are various assetpack add-ons for the character available, which will greatly enhance the movement. check out all the available content for the Simple Side-Scroller series with this link:

Simple Side-Scroller Series (click on the link)

Will you keep this assetpack updated?

There are chances that I will extend this set later or add other assetpacks to my store which will fit together with this pack. Every asset I sell supports my itch shop and the money from sales gets invested into the creation of new assets.

This tileset already received 1 mega update and is three times as big as at release!

Quick Licence Overview:

-You CAN edit and repurpose the assets.

-You CAN use the assets in commercial and free projects.

-You MUSTN'T redistribute / resell the assets.

-You MUSTN'T use the assets in any printed media or physical product.

Important: By buying the Asset you also agree to the following Licence Agreement which outlines the exact Term's of Use: Cyangmou's Itch.io Licence Agreement

For more information follow me:

on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Cyangmou

on Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/cyangmou


Get this asset pack and 13 more for $119.99 USD
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In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $9.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Side-Scroller_Tileset2_v1_2.zip 434 kB

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